[td]1[/td][td]update `users` set last_visit=now() where id=1 [ 0.0008540153503418 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]2[/td][td]select id, url, path, publish from `pages` where id != 1 and `publish` = '1' [ 0.00027084350585938 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]3[/td][td](select `title`, `main`, `date`, `on_home_top`, `id`, `views`, `author_id`, (select "news") as skey from `news` where `view_on_home` = '1' and `available` = '1' and `premoder` = 'confirmed') union (select `title`, `main`, `date`, `on_home_top`, `id`, `views`, `author_id`, (select "stat") as skey from `stat` where `view_on_home` = '1' and `available` = '1' and `premoder` = 'confirmed') order by `on_home_top` desc, `date` desc limit 5 [ 0.0011410713195801 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]4[/td][td]select * from `users` where id in (1) [ 0.00061488151550293 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]5[/td][td]select * from `news_attaches` where entity_id in (1) [ 0.00066399574279785 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]6[/td][td](select a.`date`, a.`id`, a.`entity_id`, a.`name`, a.`message`, b.`title`, (select "news") as skey from `comments` a join `news` b on b.`id` = a.`entity_id` and a.`module` = 'news') union (select a.`date`, a.`id`, a.`entity_id`, a.`name`, a.`message`, b.`title`, (select "stat") as skey from `comments` a join `stat` b on b.`id` = a.`entity_id` and a.`module` = 'stat') union (select a.`date`, a.`id`, a.`entity_id`, a.`name`, a.`message`, b.`title`, (select "loads") as skey from `comments` a join `loads` b on b.`id` = a.`entity_id` and a.`module` = 'loads') order by `date` desc limit 10 [ 0.0013840198516846 ][/td][/tr][tr][/td][td]7[/td][td]select sum(`views`) as all_hits from `statistics` [ 0.00082302093505859 ][/td][/tr][/table][/td]